
Worker Overexposure

A cyclotron technician received 719 mSv (71.9 rem) to the left hand for the period of 11/6/2017 to 11/19/2017. The licensee contributed the dose to one of two instances that occurred during this period of time. 1) The technician worked on cleaning and rebuilding the central region of a cyclotron, for 2 hours and 2) The technician had difficulty operating the manipulator arms and pneumatic screwdriver within a hot cell and removed 10 screws in the target rail of the hot cell by hand. To date, no effects to the left hand of the technician have been seen. In response to the event the licensee scheduled retraining for employees and developed new procedures. The state of Georgia requested to receive a copy of the procedures once they are finalized. The dose received exceeds the U.S. statutory limit for extremity dose of 500 mSv (50 rem). NRC EN53144

Location: Buford Georgia / Theragenics Corporation
Event date: Fri, 01-12-2017
Nuclear event report
Legenda & explanation