
Radiation Overexposure of an Industrial Radiographer

An industrial radiographer received radiation doses to his whole body and extremity that were in excess of regulatory limits. On September 9, 2003, an industrial radiographer and a radiographer's assistant conducted radiography operations and they were unknowingly exposed to radiation when a 0.762 TBq (20.6 Ci) iridium-192 source did not properly return to its shielded position. The equipment involved was Technical Operations (currently Sentinel), Model 660B radiography device containing 20.6 curies of iridium-192. The licensee conducted a dose evaluation and determined that the radiographer received a whole body dose of 205 mSv (20.5 rem) and an extremity dose of 2.35 Sv (235 rem), both in excess of annual dose limits. The licensee also concluded that the radiographer's assistant received a whole body dose of 10 mSv (1 rem) and an extremity dose of 170 mSv (17 rem), within annual dose limits.

Location: Charleston
Event date: Tue, 09-09-2003
Nuclear event report
Legenda & explanation