
Theft of source pigtail containing Ir-192 radiography source

A source pigtail with 1.86 TBq (50.4 Ci) Ir-192 in a radiography exposure device of one radiography agency was stolen by a certified radiation worker of another industrial radiography agency. The source pigtail was about 6" in length and weighed about 70 gm. After removing the source pigtail from the device the person placed it inside a folded umbrella, he then travelled by a three-wheeler taxi to the nearest local railway station and then in to the local train. When the local train passed over a bridge on the sea creek between New Mumbai and Greater Mumbai he threw the source pigtail into the sea. Main causes of the event were business rivalry and mental frustration of the person. He was able to remove the source pigtail as the radiography device was left in ready-to-operate condition i.e. with the pigtail lock key in position on the device.
The stolen source pigtail could not be located despite extensive radiation surveys carried out underwater using high sensitivity radiation survey instruments. Since the missing source had been thrown in the creek during high tide time, it appears that the source pigtail have drifted away deep in the sea. Therefore, the radiological consequences would be insignificant in view of sufficient shielding provided by more than 6 m depth of seawater over the source pigtail. Since the source pigtail is not likely to affect the public, the event is considered to be insignificant from radiological safety point of view.
The event is rated at level 2 on INES.

Location: Industrial Radiography
Event date: Sun, 14-08-2005
Nuclear event report
Legenda & explanation