
Penetration of primary coolant and low level contamination of hermetic box

Unit 4 was shut down for overhaul and refuelling, maintenance works were underway. At 13:45 a release of cooling water from the refuelling pool through the main closing valve (MCV) and SG manhole into SG hermetic box was remarked. All works were stopped. The water level in the refuelling pool decreased by 27 cm which corresponds to 16.6 cubic meter. Estimated volume of water penetrating to SG box was between 3-8 cubic meter. Maximum surface contamination measured was 6 Bq/cm2 (limit 37 Bq/cm2). There was no injury or irradiation of NPP staff, no off-site impact. released water was drained into a special canalization system of SG hermetic boxes. After clarifying of release reason and decontamination the authorization to resume refuelling works was issued at 20.00 h.
Investigations of the event showed that the unauthorized manipulation with MCV during maintenance works was the reason of the event. Corrective measures were suggested.Justification: According to INES user's manual, Part III, paragraph III-3.7 unplanned discharge or releases - this event was preliminarily classified as INES level 1.

Location: BOHUNICE-4
Event date: Mon, 15-04-1996
Nuclear event report
Legenda & explanation