
Legenda & explanation
date INES title location
25-04-2007INES 2Loss of Industrial Gamma Radiography Exposure Device (IGRED) containing Ir-192 radiography sourceIndustrial Radiography, India
16-07-2007INES 0Events related to the earthquake on July 16thKashiwazaki-Kariwa, Japan
26-08-2007INES 2Loss of Industrial Gamma Radiography Exposure Device (IGRED) containing Ir-192 radiography sourceIndustrial Radiography, India
07-04-2008INES 1Loss of Industrial Gamma Radiography Exposure Device containing Ir-192 radiography sourceNon-Destructive Inspection Co., Ltd / Chiba, Japan
11-09-2008INES 2Radiation Overexposure of a WorkerS.H.I.Examination & Inspection Ltd / Ehime prefecture, Japan
23-10-2008INES 2Unsuitable management of Bakelite plates containing radioactive materialsBunkyo-city, Tokyo, Japan
04-11-2008INES 2Overexposure of field radiography workersArgus/ Yeosu, South Korea, South Korea
27-12-2008INES 0Very low activity source found in scrap metalMeghri, Armenia
03-03-2009INES 3Overexposure of a field radiography workerArgus, Jinju, South Korea, South Korea
28-08-2009INES 2Contamination of a vehicle with Cs-137NO facility associated to this event, Armenia
31-08-2009INES 2Loss of Radiation SourceBirjand University, Iran
07-04-2010INES 4Discovery of radioactive materials in scrap shops and acute exposure of scrap dealerOther, India
17-09-2010INES 2Inadvertent Containment Spray of Reactor Coolant SHINKORI-1, South Korea
11-03-2011INES 3Effect to the Nuclear Facilities from the earthquake on east area of JapanFUKUSHIMA-DAIICI-1,2 FUKUSHIMA-DAINI-1, Japan, Japan
11-03-2011INES 3Loss of cooling function and water supplying function on the spent fuel pool due to the big tsunami.FUKUSHIMA-DAIICHI-4, Japan
11-03-2011INES 5The core damage by loss of all cooling function due to the big tsunami.FUKUSHIMA-DAIICHI-3, Japan
11-03-2011INES 5The core damage by loss of all cooling function due to the big tsunami.FUKUSHIMA-DAIICHI-2, Japan
11-03-2011INES 3Loss of the cooling function to the ultimate heat sink due to the big tsunamiFUKUSHIMA-DAINI-4, Japan
11-03-2011INES 3Loss of the cooling function to the ultimate heat sink due to the big tsunamiFUKUSHIMA-DAINI-2, Japan
11-03-2011INES 3Loss of the cooling function to the ultimate heat sink due to the big tsunamiFUKUSHIMA-DAINI-1, Japan
11-03-2011INES 2Failure of the reactor component cooling water system and others by tsunamiONAGAWA-2, Japan
12-03-2011INES 5Abnormal rise of radioactive dosage value at site boundary (INES Level 4)FUKUSHIMA-DAIICHI-1, Japan
12-04-2011INES 7Re-evaluation of INES rating; Effect to the Nuclear Facilities from the earthquake on east area of JapanFukushima Daiichi, Japan
30-05-2011INES 2Over exposure of workers beyond annual regulatory limitKAKRAPAR-2, India
19-10-2011INES 1Leakage of Heavy Water from Feeder PipeKANUPP Unit-1 (K-1), Pakistan
26-01-2012INES 0Radioactive Source Found in Scrap MetalTripoli Sea Port, Lebanon
09-02-2012INES 2Loss of shutdown cooling due to station blackout during refueling outageKORI-1, South Korea
29-02-2012INES 0Radioactive Source Found in Scrap Metal prepared for ExportBeirut Sea Port, Lebanon
23-06-2012INES 1Radiation Exposure of workers to tritiumRAJASTHAN-5, India
12-09-2012INES 0Unauthorized movementColombo Fort, Sri Lanka