
Legenda & explanation
date INES title location
28-12-1999INES 2Partial loss of safeguards systems as a result of external floodingBLAYAIS-1, France
02-09-1999INES 2Inadvertent plutonium shipment from Belgium to United KingdomIRMM, Geel, Belgium
19-11-1999INES 2Discovery of a crack in boiler superheater penetrationDUNGENESS-B2 UNIT B, United Kingdom
27-06-2000INES 2Error in operating rules leading to safety injection system unavailabilityDAMPIERRE-1, France
24-11-2000INES 2Successive events in operation during reactor restartTRICASTIN-3, France
10-07-2001INES 2Contamination of workers during dismantling of alpha dry glove boxesNUCLEAR RESEARCH INST., REZ, Czech Republic
03-07-2001INES 2Unshielded strontium-90 source found at scrapyardJewometaal, Rotterdam-Botlek, Netherlands
15-10-2001INES 2Cobalt-60 contaminated steel slabs sent to Italian shipyard from a foundry in MacedoniaSHIPYARDS, Italy
11-07-2003INES 2Auto-trip of R21, following trip of Main Boiler Feed Pump, subsequent breach of Gas Circulator 22 Inlet Temp. limitDUNGENESS-B1 UNIT A, United Kingdom
07-08-2003INES 2One unshielded and two shielded Cs-137 radioactive sources found at a scrap yardJewometaal, Rotterdam-Botlek, Netherlands
16-07-2003INES 2Discovery of a Cs-source in scrapShipment of scrap, Slovenia
11-11-2003INES 2Unshielded strontium-90 (Sr-90/Y-90) radioactive source found in metalscrap from NigeriaREUKEMA BLOCQ EN MANESCHIJN B.V., Harderwijk, Netherlands
31-12-2003INES 2Anomaly on the water recirculation circuits of French pressurised water reactorsAll NPP - generic, France
12-01-2004INES 2Cs137 shielded radioactive source smelted in metal recycling facilityAcciaierie Beltrame, metal recycling facility, Vicenza, Italy
09-03-2004INES 2Generic anomaly on some power supply boxes of the French pressurised water reactorsAll NPP - generic, France
22-04-2004INES 2Workers overexposureSGS TECNOS,S.A., Spain
22-06-2004INES 2Non-compliance with regulations during transport of radioactive materialPaul Scherrer Institute; Wuerenlingen,, Switzerland
26-07-2004INES 2Worker injured and contaminated at the French MOX processing plant MELOXMELOX Fuel process plant, France
10-03-2005INES 2Overexposure of a worker at the Frederic Joliot hospital section in Orsay (91)Hospital, France
25-08-2004INES 2Circumferential break of Essential Service Water (ESW) hatch neck pipeVANDELLOS-2, Spain
11-04-2005INES 2Three unshielded Cs-137 radioactive sources found at scrap yardJewometaal, Rotterdam-Botlek, Netherlands
04-07-2005INES 2Inadequate protection relays and related setpointsTIHANGE-2, Belgium
09-12-2005INES 2Anomaly on safety pumps of 900 MW reactorsAll NPP - generic, France
01-03-2006INES 2Inoperability of 22 out of 61 control rods at Kozloduy NPP unit 5KOZLODUY-5, Bulgaria
22-12-2005INES 2Overexposure of worker by unshielded sourceZealand, Denmark
24-07-2006INES 2Lost of type A radioactive package during transport from Brussels to BucharestInternational Transport, Romania
25-07-2006INES 2Two emergency dieselgenerators did not start when the unit was disconnected from the ordinary off site grid.FORSMARK-1, Sweden
05-10-2006INES 2Unavailabilty of containment cooling fansDOEL-1, Belgium
06-11-2006INES 2Operation outside limits and conditions at a former MOX facilityCADARACHE, France
15-06-2007INES 2Irradiation incident of a radiation therapistHospital, France